Walking Robot
Making our own robot walking on two legs controlled by Arduino Board
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About Walking Robot
Our team had a different thought while working on Servo Motors and world of applications. We call it as “Walking Robot”. What are you thinking while reading the name “Walking Robot”??? Feeling like fairytale story, no, it’s real. This year team TECH CRYPTORS comes with one more concept workshop where students will be able to make a Walking robot.
TECH CRYPTORS is a new approach in controlling robots which will differentiate conventional way of Robotics in Indian educational system. Basically, this workshop is divided in two phases. In First phase, you will learn about robotics and applications. You will assemble your own robot. In Second Phase, you will learn about how to use Microcontroller, Servo motors and other electronic components.
We have Trained professionals from
Theoretical knowledge on robotics covers the basics of automation, control systems, and machine design.
Applications of robots include industrial automation, healthcare, agriculture, exploration, and home use.
Basic constituents of robots are mechanical components, sensors, control units, power sources, and communication systems.
Arduino IDE software distribution enables programming and deploying code to microcontrollers for robotics and IoT projects.
Installation of Arduino IDE software involves downloading, setting up the software, and ensuring compatibility with your operating system.
Drivers installation ensures the Arduino board connects and communicates properly with the computer.
Description of Arduino Hardware Introduction to Embedded C Programming
Introduction to Arduino Nano Hardware
Servo Motor Testing using Embedded C Language
Controlling Servo motors using Potentiometer
Robot assembly involves constructing the mechanical structure and integrating components.
Basic programs focus on controlling movements, sensors, and simple actions.
Different tasks are programmed to enable robots to perform specific activities based on their design.
Servo motors are actuators used for precise control of angular or linear position in robotics.
Programming for a walking robot involves creating motion sequences and balancing algorithms.
Introduction to Different Applications of DPDT & Interfacing Robot With it
The final output demonstrates the practical implementation of servo motor applications.
Doubt solving addresses queries to ensure a clear understanding of concepts.
A competition evaluates the skills and knowledge gained over the two days.
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