Unit Testing
Unit Testing
Unit testing is a type of software testing in which individual units or software components are tested. The motive is to ensure that each unit of software code operates in the expected manner. Unit testing is executed during the development phase of the application by the developers. The Unit Test separates part of the code and verifies its validity.
In TechCryptors, there are many automated unit testing software available to assist with unit testing as given below:
Junit: Junit is a free test tool used in Java programming language and provides confirmation to identify the test method. This test tool is first tested and then inserted into a piece of code.
NUnit: NUnit is a widely used unit test framework in all .net languages. It is an open source tool that allows for personal writing and supports data-driven testing that may work in conjunction.
Those are just a few of the tools available for testing units. There is a lot more, especially for C and Java languages.