System Testing

System Testing

The aim of system testing is to evaluate end-to-end system specifications. Software is usually just one element of a larger computer system. Ultimately, the software is combined with other software / hardware systems. System testing is actually a series of different tests whose sole purpose is to test the entire computer-based system.

Various types of System testing is covered by the TechCryptors as follows:Performance testing is a type of software testing performed to test the stability,reliability, speed and scalability of a software product or application while a stress test is performed to check the robustness of a system under various loads.Load tests are performed to determine the behavior of a system under extreme loads and Scalability testing is executed to verify the performance of a software application in terms of its ability to increase or decrease the number of user requests.

System testing uses tools like JMeter, Gallen Framework, Selenium and Eggplant.

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