Raspberry PI

Student will create an IOT device using Raspberry Pi. They will develop hands-on skills in electronics, coding, and hardware integration using the Raspberry Pi platform.

Raspberry PI

Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized, single-board computer that offers endless possibilities for experimentation, learning, and creating. 

Tech Cryptors Raspberry Pi for Beginners and Working Professionals is specifically tailored to individuals seeking to learn and explore the vast potential of Raspberry Pi. This course provides hands-on training empowering participants to harness the capabilities of Raspberry Pi and enhance their professional skillset. It provides a platform for developing projects ranging from home automation and robotics to media centers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices

We have Trained professionals from

Introduction to Raspberry Pi Board practically with its architecture

Introduction to hardware and exploring different terminologies of it

Understanding operating system and usability of it

Booting of Raspberry with operating system, by calibrating it with memory card

Knowing the GPIO of Raspberry Pi and using them practically

Setting up the board for practical use with powering it up

Understanding wireless communication and its prerequisite

Connecting Raspberry Pi wirelessly to your laptop via SSH network using Putty

Opening desktop GUI of RPi using VNC Viewer on laptop

Displaying on monitor working as CPU and establishing your own mini computer system

Getting started with terminal window and commands

Practically creating your initial code for Raspberry Pi (in Python)

Developing LINUX Shell Scripting (terminal)

Understand and perform GPIO zero and PIGPIO code for all components

Understanding and coding in terminal for loops, data types, variables

Coding for controlling LED, buzzer etc. using RPi

Coding for fading in and fading out LED using PWM

Understanding working of DC motor logically

Tech Cryptors
Yes. Tech Cryptors is ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY under IAF. Also, we are in collaboration with Shastra INDIAN INSTITUTES TECHNOLOGY Madras. CERTIFICATION will have the significance of the above.
We conduct this course in BOTH online and offline modes. You can choose the mode suitable for you, even you can SWITCH modes for a couple of lectures in case of any personal issues and emergencies.
In one batch we allow MAXIMUM 4 students Because we believe that to have a better understanding and to excel in this course PERSONAL ATTENTION is needed.
We have new batches starting every 15 days, But you should register asap for your desired date because our batches are filling fast. Batch timings are also kept AS PER YOUR TIME CONVENIENCE, we don’t have any rigid preassigned slots.
Well, you can SCROLL DOWN and click on WHATSAPP CHAT text OR CLICK HERE to talk with our customer care executive. We are happy to help you with all of your questions and details.

Practically understanding H-Bridge and L293D controller

Interfacing motors with Raspberry Pi GPIO along with motor driver

Coding for controlling DC Motor using RPi at different directions

Calibrating IR sensor with RPi to detect object in front of it

Coding for calibrating IR sensor, buzzer, motor etc. all together

Coding for push button to turn on components manually

Coding for printing different digits on seven segment LED

Making own code for creating count down system using seven segment

Tech Cryptors

Making own code for reading values from sensor and performing different task

Coding for performing object detection project

Interfacing ultrasonic sensor with RPi and GPIO

Coding for performing distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor

Displaying it on your pc screen wirelessly in different units

Calibrating relay module with our system by turning it on off manually

Connecting ac components with relay to control components by RPi

Exploring various Raspberry Pi projects

Understanding logic behind Home Automation in real life

Scripting your own python code for home automation

Performing home automation project with multiple tasks

Note For Certification

TECH CRYPTORS is an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY, also in COLLABORATION with shaastra, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, madras. Certification will be with Significance of above for attended TRAINING COURSE. Also, every certificate will have a Unique Certificate Number, which will be helpful WORLDWIDE to verify the validity of every individual certificate using www.techcryptors.com.

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Validated by Ethereum

Tech Cryptors
Original Price

₹20,999 /Course

Current Price

₹16,999 /Course



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