Home Automation

Students will learn about Home Automation using Arduino. They will gain comprehensive knowledge about home automation technologies, protocols, and integration techniques.

About Home Automation

In this course introduces you to the fundamentals of working with Bluetooth modules (HC-05), Arduino microcontrollers, and various sensors, relays, and components. You will learn how to assemble and program circuits to achieve specific outputs while understanding the role of digital and analog components.

The course also covers techniques for uploading sensor data to the cloud, enabling remote monitoring and analysis. Additionally, you’ll explore how to control connected devices using Google Assistant, custom mobile apps, and laptops, empowering you to build interactive and IoT-enabled projects. This hands-on approach ensures a practical understanding of coding, hardware integration, and automation.

We have Trained professionals from

Introduction to UOI & IOT

Understanding practical use of it

Practically exploring few of the components, sensors, microcontrollers used

Practically Understanding Use of Microcontroller in UOI

Installing Arduino Ide & Understanding tools of it

Exploring & understanding use of Arduino Boards Hardware

Writing initial codes by learning architecture of Arduino & Other Components

Coding for controlling LED through Arduino & learning to make hardware calibration-connection of it with LED

Coding for controlling RGB LED through Arduino & learning to make hardware calibration-connection of it with RGB LED

Coding for controlling Buzzer through Arduino & learning to make hardware calibration-connection of it with Buzzer

Understanding practically use of Motor driver & architecture of its hardware chip

Learning to code for controlling MOTOR through Arduino & learning to make calibration

Understanding use of InfraRed sensor & checking its working practically

Learn coding for reading values from IR Sensor

Calibrating IR Sensor with different components like LED, RGB, Motor, buzzer etc

Controlling number of components using IR Sensor

Learn coding for reading values of Potentiometer

Introduction to Pulse Width Modulation concept & use of it

Calibrating potentiometer with different components like LED, RGB, Motor, buzzer etc

Understanding use of Bluetooth (HC-05) Practically & calibrating it with wifi breakout board

Controlling number of components using PWM through potentiometer

Understanding structure & need of bluetooth breakout board

Calibrating Bluetooth (HC-05) with our Microcontroller by coding our own programs in C Embedded

Understanding practically different modes of bluetooth module

Performing AT Commands for WIFI Module for controlling different modes & functionalities of it using Arduino Coding

Coding for Controlling different components using Webpage to practically understanding logic behind home Automation

Installation of server communication app

Interfacing our complete system with Internet using HC- 05

Calibrating cloud server with our system to upload sensor data on it

Coding for Uploading sensor values on cloud using universal object interaction system

Monitoring sensors value using WiFi communication wirelessly in graphical form

Downloading values in the form reports for Datasheets.

Calibrating system with server-based app for reading real time sensor values on

Learn to create different forms of dashboards on server-based application

Calibrating GOOGLE Assistant with our system for automation

Controlling Different components like Servo Motor, Relay Module, Motors etc. using GOOGLE Assistant

Home Automation
Yes. Tech Cryptors is ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY under IAF. Also, we are in collaboration with Shastra INDIAN INSTITUTES TECHNOLOGY Madras. CERTIFICATION will have the significance of the above.
We conduct this course in BOTH online and offline modes. You can choose the mode suitable for you, even you can SWITCH modes for a couple of lectures in case of any personal issues and emergencies.
In one batch we allow MAXIMUM 4 students Because we believe that to have a better understanding and to excel in this course PERSONAL ATTENTION is needed.
We have new batches starting every 15 days, But you should register asap for your desired date because our batches are filling fast. Batch timings are also kept AS PER YOUR TIME CONVENIENCE, we don’t have any rigid preassigned slots.
Well, you can SCROLL DOWN and click on WHATSAPP CHAT text OR CLICK HERE to talk with our customer care executive. We are happy to help you with all of your questions and details.

Note For Certification

TECH CRYPTORS is an ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY, also in COLLABORATION with shaastra, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, madras. Certification will be with Significance of above for attended TRAINING COURSE. Also, every certificate will have a Unique Certificate Number, which will be helpful WORLDWIDE to verify the validity of every individual certificate using www.techcryptors.com.

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Tech Cryptors
Original Price

₹26,999 /Course

Current Price

₹19,999 /Course



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