Application Testing

Application Testing

The purpose of application testing is to find software bugs by using a script to test software. Application-wide testing is performed. During software development, application testing can be divided into categories, such as GUI, features, database (back-end), load testing, etc. Test life cycle phases include requirements analysis, test planning, test analysis, test design, test execution, and bug reporting.

The type of application testing provided by TechCryptors are as follows: Web Application Testing Desktop Application Testing Mobile Application Testing

There are various testing tools for application testing. The choice of tool depends on the type of test you are running. We recommend different tools for each platform. Application test tools guarantee application performance, ease of use, and functionality on a variety of devices.

Here are a few of them:Selenium IBM Rational Robot RFT (Rational Functional Tester) Load Runner ( HP Performance Tester) Apache Jmeter.

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